When to use SVN: Centralised management. Centralised control. When to use GIT: Local developments, non hiarchical teams.
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When to use SVN: Centralised management. Centralised control. When to use GIT: Local developments, non hiarchical teams.
Someone had problem with SVN and huge development teams. Read the story.
SVN deployments are not always easy and straightforward. I prefer to have a web-interface such as WebSVN that will allow you to see the source code and check differences in between versions from a simple web-client. This is fine for reading, but not useful for getting a working copy to your local machine. For downloading …
Some interesting stories: Simon Tatham explains Subversion experience
Some people prefer ClearCase, but this is probably due to a lack of understanding how ClearCase works. I herewith summarize some issues I had with ClearCase: – Renaming a file, renames the file in all historical versions of the file…. you better take a copy of your ClearCase VOB before thinking about renaming. – Labeling …
If you want to select in between different source control tools, I did some search on the internet and found following articles with comparisons: Svn, TFS, Mercurial, GIT compared TFS vs SVN TFS vs SVN TFS vs SVN Happy reading.
CVS is outdated, surpassed by subversion. Because its large presence, it is still relevant. New projects should not use CVS but use SVN or another tool. Please read the comparison in between CVS and SVN in this article. Please refer to the page on tool selection for more information.
Some source control tools require a server and a client in order to be operational. Others only require a client. Still others work perfectly with a client that works as a local server as well. Please read the article on requirements gathering before deciding. In short: all depends on your set-up. Follow here for client …
For a server, the most common platform should be Linux. It is stable, fast, easy, secured, does not require expensive machines and the free options are valid choices for all kinds of businesses. I see no single benefit for installing Windows for a server. Most of the time, after the initial set-up of the source …
Subversion is also known as SVN. It is the de-facto standard for most modern development. As can be noted from the following article, 58% of all eclipse users seem to be using subversion. I did not say it is the best tool. It has its issues. But it is very good, stable, fast and widely …