A new VCS system, named fossil.
Compare TFS against others
If you want to select in between different source control tools, I did some search on the internet and found following articles with comparisons:
Happy reading.
Moving from SVN/GIT to Mercurial
Someone had problem with SVN and huge development teams. Read the story.
Good practices in source control
Getting started with source control, here are some guidlines for beginners.
Source control statistics
GIT information
If you are working with GIT, following sites could be of interest.
The git reference:
The git user-manual:
Committing to repository
I found some guidelines about committing: Read on…
Mercurial branching
Talking about Mercurial, here is a guide on how to branch:
Source control statistics
People are using following systems:
CVS 12,6%
Git/GitHub 6,8%
IBM Rational ClearCase 2,8%
IBM Rational Team Concert 0,9%
IBM Rational Telelogic Synergy Suite 0,2%
Mercurial 3,0%
Microsoft Team Foundation Server 0,8%
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 1,6%
Perforce 3,0%
Subversion 58,3%
None – I don’t use a source code management system 5,6%
Don’t know 1,4%
Other (specify) 2,9%
Source: Eclipse Community Survey 2010